Importance of Text to HTML ratios in SEO
Hometext to html ratio

Importance of Text to HTML ratios in SEO


A brief introduction on Text to HTML ratios. You may have come across this several times that a site is not just only comprised of text or images/videos, but also has codes in it.

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A brief introduction on Text to HTML ratios

You may have come across this several times that a site is not just only comprised of text or images/videos, but also has codes in it. Putting this in simpler terms, text to HTML ratio is the ratio of text and HTML code on the same web page. (Check this site as an example

Text to HTML ratios that will do the trick for you

An ideal ratio lies between 25-70 percent. Percentage symbolizes the amount of text in comparison to the codes and tags. Google likes site which has more text on it, so you want your site to have more text and less HTML code lines. You may have also noticed that all the sites ranking in the search engines have more visible text than non-visible information.
text to html ratio
Text to HTML ratio

What effect it will have on SEO

In what follows next are some of the many things linked to text to HTML ratio which one way or another affect a website ranking:

Higher text to HTML ratio will increase your SERP position as the reader will find a more visible text which in return will satisfy the reader forcing to indulge more into the site. The more the user spends time on your site, the better the bounce rate and higher the chances to increase search engine rankings.

A website that is readable will contribute to a better user experience which will enhance your position in the search engines ranking. The search engines love the better the user experience.
Google is emphasizing more on the load time of the sites, and it is one of the ranking factors now. The less the HTML code lines in the web page, the faster the site will load. This will constitute to increase your ranking.

Moreover, the more the text and less code will make easy for the search engine crawlers to index your site. A site with good crawl ratio is most likely to get ranked.

How to guarantee high Text to HTML ratio

Following are some of the tips which will help you to ensure high text to HTML ratio to increase user experience and rankings in the search engines:

1. Keep a check on the validity of the HTML code
2. Make sure to remove the extra code
3. Avoid white spaces
4. Limit the number of tabs used
5. Comments free code
6. Avoid using tables (only if necessary)
7. Use CSS to style and format
8. Image size should be proper
9. Remove the unnecessary images
10. By using flash and javascript (when necessary)
11. 300kb or less page size
12. Remove hidden text

Make sure that your website has more readable, high-quality content to improve user experience and user satisfaction

If you are not aware of your text to HTML ratio, use the tools mentioned below:
2. Onsite tools such as MOZAHREFS, Raven Tools

Always post quality content on your site, and you will see the power of content


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Online SEO Magazine: Importance of Text to HTML ratios in SEO
Importance of Text to HTML ratios in SEO
A brief introduction on Text to HTML ratios. You may have come across this several times that a site is not just only comprised of text or images/videos, but also has codes in it.
Online SEO Magazine
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